How do i begin telling you how much you mean to me. I'm really not even sure. I know for a fact that I am who I am right this moment because of your love and care. So how do you thank someone for shaping the very essence of who you are? How do I relate to you my gratitude? I really don't know that i even can. Dad's are arguably the most important person in a young girl's life. Little girls find so much of their strength through their daddy's words.
Thank you Daddy for calling me beautiful every day. I wouldn't be the confident woman I am today without your reassurances.
Thank you for shielding me from this depraved world. I am so lucky to have pureness of mind because of your diligence in protecting me.
Thank you for always taking me seriously. I have never, not once, felt belittled or childish in your sight. I remember waking up that morning after I had "the dream"... how old was i? 8? and I remember walking up to you and telling you it and you never once dismissed it. You embraced it as truth and maybe that's why Anita got better. Because you had faith in the meekness of a child.
You have always valued my thoughts and opinions. That has given me such confidence. I never hesitate to share my heart with you because my heart has always been received with respect and love.
Thank you for always believing in me. You have given me your entire trust and all I wanna do is make you so proud of me.
Thank you for reading everything I've ever written and spurring me to write more and seeing the potential I have.
Thank you for working so hard every single day so I never ever needed or wanted anything. You have given your family such an amazing gift in this. I am probably so spoiled. :)
There are a thousand things I could thank you for. A million. I thank you for taking caring of me physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I thank you for showing me how to be charming and professional through your example. I thank you for teaching me how to drive, how to save money, how to be generous in a reckless faith filled way. I thank you for teaching me about insurance and cars. I thank you for forgiving me endlessly, loving me wildly, pursuing me passionately. I thank you for being there for me every single step of my life. You've ALWAYS had all the time in the world for me. I have never had a truer picture of Christ's love for me then seeing your love for your children. Even just watching you love JD has been an amazing example to me. You have lived the parable of "The Prodigal Son." And your love has usurped it all. You loved him and gave him all you had to give no matter his reception to it. Your life has such profound reaches. I hope you know that.
More than anything, more than all that, thank you Daddy for introducing me to my one true Love, My Saviour. My life is poured out as a living sacrifice to our King because of your diligence with me since I was a Child. You truly personified Christ for me till I could find Him on my own, Thank You Daddy. You are my hero and my love, always. I am so blessed to be called Rodd Whitney's daughter. I'd never want any other Daddy. You deserve the world, but unfortunately I work below the poverty line in America ;-). But do know that I love you more than life itself and I'm always here. I wont ever leave. Happy Father's Day DADDY!
Remain in His Love,
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