Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I Feel her Filth in my Bones

I feel the filth in my bones.
All the way through. 
I try to wash myself clean so often. 
Scrubbing every single part of me,
bleeding out. 
My life has looked the same for so long; 
move forward,
stand tall. 

I beg Him to slow me down
rest my weary hands,
bend my stiff knees,
lay my face down in the dirt.
but His face is white with burning flames
my eyes water looking deep within His blood-stained retinas. 
Etched, raw into every contour of His flesh is my blame.

Desperate to fall,
my knees at his feet; 
they sparkle like shards of glass.
I'd give it all up 

slow it down,
kiss his feet. I pant with a thirst so deep 
bloodied sword,
broken past.

Fighting the urge to run away;

ripping apart all that is good in me.
Slow it down,

offer empty hands.
He bleeds.

I cry aloud, "No longer can I hold this shame."
At Your command the world is still.
"No longer can I be the same."
The one sitting upon the throne is as brilliant as gemstones.
He is the answer to all that is unknown.